Welcome to my site!
I'm a student with an interest in IT! I’ve discovered learning more about the indie web and started my personal website. I was never a huge user of social media. To me, it felt very hollow I guess, like posting just to upload stuff for the social media aspect and solely for the purpose of creating content and not for yourself, which is what I admired from the older days of the internet. I found that the best alternative for me was to customize my own platform from scratch, which now I realize is a lot of work. Even so, I believe that creating a website is what I've been trying to find for so long. I feel nostalgic of online spaces for sharing content just for the fun of it and now algorithms/AI bots being so prevalent the internet and how we consume media and stuff, and I just miss the kind of authenticity of uploading content online when I was younger.

I'm very amateur at coding, as you can see I'm not very skilled with HTML/CSS. I'm trying to get more into web design but I'm not focusing on best design practices on here since this is just more of a hobbyist site, so I apologize if this place is an eyesore. Though my site is shabby, I hope to keep continuing my skills to make something others and myself can enjoy and be inspired by. On my website, I use as hub for anything I create, share my interests and occasional blogs as well.